Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 28

     On our journey to the school, odd things kept happening and it scared me. It was darker then usual, my costume kept making me fall while walking, and it was hard to tell where we were. At one point, Jem said he thought we were by the big oak tree because it got colder. The wind began to grow stronger as we walked and there was no moon to be found. I kept seeing strange shadows on the Radley house which frightened me even more. Someone leaped at us when we were almost to the school. It ended up being Cecil Jabobs and he was successful at scaring me and Jem.


     As Jem and I made our way home, I had realized I forgot my shoes at the school. I told Jem and he said I will have to wait till tomorrow, but tomorrow's a Sunday. He said a janitor could let me in and we weren't going back tonight because the lights were turned off. After he said that, he seemed to be confused or thinking really hard. Then, Jem grabbed my costume and I told him he didn't have to hold on to me, but he told me to be quiet because he heard something. Jem kept hearing something behind us as we continued, but we thought it was just Cecil again. Before we knew it, a black figure was charging at us. I got tangled in some chicken wire, so Jem picked me up and ran. Once we were almost to the road, Jem put me down and the figured grabbed Jem. I heard Jem scream and I ran in that direction. I kept calling Jem's name and there was no response, but suddenly I noticed four people were under the tree. Atticus found us, but Jem was unconscious so we called the doctor.

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