Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chapter 6
     While walking around the neighborhood with Jem and Dill, they decided to try and sneak up to the Radley's house and look inside. I didn't like the idea, but Jem told me I'm starting to act more and more like a girl. It made me angry so I tagged along with them. We lifted Dill up to the Radley's window, but he couldn't see. Then, Jem went up the porch and the first step squeaked. Jem saw a shadow of a man and froze on the porch till it left, and then we ran once it was gone. As we were running, a shotgun had gone off. While sneaking under the fence to escape home, Jem's pants got stuck on the fence. He had to take them off, and then we all ran to some where safe.

     We reached the school yard after trying to escape and then joined the circle of neighbors down by the Radley's. Miss Maudie explained to us about what had happened even though we already knew. She said Mr. Radley had another barrel ready in case they came back. I think Mr. Radley knew it was Jem, but he didn't want to rat him out. After talking to Miss Maudie, Atticus questioned why Jem didn't have pants. Dill told him we were playing strip poker, but in reality we weren't. Later that night, Jem went back for his pants so he wouldn't get caught. He found them folded on the fence which meant the Radley's secretly did know it was Jem.

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