Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chapter 8

      I looked outside my window today and I saw white stuff from the sky. I thought the world was ending, but Atticus explained to me that it was stuff called snow. Eula May, Maycombs leading telephone operator, called and they even cancelled school. This was the first time it snowed in Maycomb since 1885. Jem asked Atticus how to make a snowman, but Atticus didn't have any idea. Calpurnia corrected Atticus when he said there wasn't enough snow to build one because the snow began to stick! We borrowed snow from Miss Maudie and made a snowman who looked like Mr. Avery.
     Atticus woke me and Jem before it was even morning. He told me to put on a robe, shoes, and socks. Once I was finally awake, I realized there was something wrong without Atticus answering my questions. Then, he finally told me it was about Miss Maudie. We opened the door and I saw the flames bursting out of Miss Maudie's dinning room windows. Atticus ordered us to stay out of the way and stand in front of the Radley's house. The men of Maycomb tried to move as much furniture out of Miss Maudie's house. Some how a blanket appeared on the backs of me and Jem, and I believe one of the Radley's did it. Overall, Miss Maudie isn't too upset, she is happy there will be more room to garden.

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